The Energy related Product (ErP) Directive is designed to reduce carbon emissions across Europe. In the same way as on white goods, TV's and tyres, since September 2015, ErP also applies to domestic and commercial heating products.
ErP applies to domestic and commercial heating products.
The main objective of ErP is to phase out low efficiency products from the market place. ErP covers electrical powered products, boilers, water heaters and renewable technologies.
Need more info? Read our guide to What ErP means.
ErP comprises two parts: Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. Find out more about how ErP works.
Ecodesign is split into two versions: Lot 1 (space heaters) and Lot 2 (water heaters and storage cylinders). Starting in September 2015, Ecodesign and Energy labelling will gradually be brought in over 3 years. During this time the aim is to identify and replace the least efficient F & G class products, with those that reach A+ & A++ classes, to phase out less efficient products.
This will have a great impact on the commercial market as currently there are fossil fuel boilers and water heaters with 70kW to 400kW rated outputs still in use. With ErP any non-condensing boilers up to 400kW will be eliminated from the industry. This will include some atmospheric products and permanent pilot products.
If we calculate gross seasonal efficiency using the Part L Building Regulations formulae and apply them to Lot 1, the equivalent seasonal efficiency is 92.5% without differentiation between new or existing buildings. To comply with this, small to medium sized projects will require a condensing boiler solution, it also means customers will need to invest in full system replacement rather than simply replacing the affected module.
The biggest impact from ErP will be from September 2018 onwards, when the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are also reduced.
The biggest impact on the market will be from September 2018 onwards, when the nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions are also reduced.
At first there were discrepancies between Part L and ErP, but as of September 2015 you need to comply with the regulation that has the higher standards.
In the future it is likely that building regulations will be written in accordance to ErP to ensure it incorporates all the regulations around efficiency.
The majority of new Potterton Commercial products are ErP compliant, any older non-compliant products will be gradually phased out. Potterton Commerical is dedicated to investing in research and development into new energy efficient products.
If you require any specific advice on your requirements and how ErP will impact your commercial property, please contact our technical team.